It is important for all students to develop the essential literacy skills to support them through life. Literacy is taught explicitly across the school and included reading, writing, spelling, oral language, grammar and punctuation. A whole school consistent approach is used.
The aim of the reading and writing program is to produce confident, competent and independent readers and writers with a range of strategies use to explicitly differentiate learning for each student.
In addition to skill development students are provided wit a range of opportunities to practice reading and writing skills in authentic ways.
The School is implementing the Department of Educations Literacy model providing a differentiated program including whole class, small group and high ability support. A comprehensive synthetics phonics program is followed.
Students are read to, they work in reading groups with students of a similar level and are involved in conversations around books and reading. A number of reading strategies are used to assist students in their fluency and comprehension.
When teaching writing, a number of strategies are used to ensure students develop quality writing skills. Writing is taught as a whole class and in small groups. Writing is modeled and shared and students have opportunities to develop their independent writing skills using authentic experiences. Students often share experiences and use their inquiry learning to construct a piece of writing. Spelling is also explicitly taught using a variety of strategies including phonics and THRASS.