Promoting high expectations for every student
Green Brain' Thinking and Behaviour - positive attitudes, hard work, effort, responsibility, participation, focused on learning, kind, caring and trustworthy
Red Brain Thinking and Behaviour - not focused on learning, lack of effort, inappropriate behavior, not positive community members
The GWPS Positive Education Policy encourages students to have high expectations and to be positive and contributing members of their school community. They learn to understand the benefit of Green Brain thinking and the consequences of inappropriate negative Red Brain thinking.
Students and families are provided with the school's Positive Education Policy to be familiar with expectations and consequences.
At key points through the day the children engage in mindfulness activities to support them to relax, focus their thinking and to feel comfortable in their learning and social interaction.
The school's Student Wellbeing team provide a number of different activities and programs to support the students:
- Friendship groups
- Creative arts activities
- Counseling for parents and children
- Peer mentoring program
Buddies Program
Our Year 5 students enjoy being buddies for the Preps. They support them in their early days at school and enjoy sharing many learning activities together through the year.
Friends in the yard
The friends in the yard are students who take on a support role in the playground helping students as required. They look out and care for students in need.
Passive Time
Children also enjoy visiting the library or spend time in learning spaces at lunchtimes for quiet indoor games, activities and reading.
Year Six Student Leaders
Every Year 6 student is a school leader. This role supports them to be outstanding leaders and excellent role models whilst encouraging them to focus on their learning to do their very best.